Agile Development

Keep moving your project on track, hit deadlines, and launch easily using this marketing request template.

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About This Template

This template helps your team move fast without losing sight by adopting an agile workflow, giving perspective during any project management situation.

  1. Keep all code, specs, and plans easily accessible in one location for more organized product development.

  2. Collaborate seamlessly with engineers, product and scrum masters.

  3. Manage and prioritize the product backlog with stakeholders and product managers.

  4. Easily share what’s shipped and what’s up next with stakeholders.

Features move from left to right with everybody on your team gaining visibility into where the feature is in the process. The setup of this board also gives you a good bird's eye view and helps indicate if and where bottlenecks are in the process.

Using variables and custom fields, the template gives every request a unique number so you can reference them more easily in conversation. The card numbers are also displayed on the card face along with other information about the request.

Use the Focus Tab to show exactly what needs to be done at each step of the process. You can even include instructions on how to execute tasks and provide links to resources like standard operating procedures (SOP).

How to use this template

Card creation

  1. Create a card for a new feature. Name the card by the feature’s title.

  2. Complete the custom fields: Level of Effort and Priority

  3. Use the 'Description' for any additional details about the request.


  1. When you have started working on a feature, move the card from “Backlog” to the “In Progress” step to automatically create the first set of sub tasks. Assign yourself to the card.

  2. Attach any important files to the card (e.g. Google Docs or other)

  3. When the feature is complete, move it to the “Code Review” list

  4. When testing is complete, move it to the “Deploy” list.

  5. After the feature has been released, move the feature to “Live”

Included in this Template

  • Lists

    Included lists ensure that your workflow is clear and ready to go. Even customizable if needed.

    • Backlog
    • In Progress
    • Blocked
    • Code Review
    • Deploy
    • Live
  • Custom Fields

    Ensure that your collecting the right data from the start with these custom fields.

    • Level of effort
    • Priority
  • Automations

    Allow Rindle to do the work for you from the start with these preset automations ensuring your workflow stays ensync.

Use Rindle to get back control of your sales team's processes.