Case Studies

How Rindle helped EpiCypher gain a single source of truth for projects (and avoid costly project mistakes)

  • Company

    EpiCypher logo
  • Customer

    Leslie Shannon Marketing Manager


EpiCypher offers cutting edge tools and service for epigenetics and chromatin biology research.


  • Challenges

    • Getting stuck managing the project management tool
    • No source of truth for all of the department’s work
    • Tasks falling through the cracks
    • Lack of adoption across different departments for existing project management solution
  • Solution

    • Centralize all tasks and projects in one solution
    • Automation to decrease time spent on manual project management
    • Task mirroring for added flexibility and adoption
    • Ease of use to ensure adoption across varying degrees of technology experience
  • Results

    • Avoid costly project errors and mistakes
    • Single source of truth for projects

The Challenge

Stuck managing the project management tool.

It all started when Leslie Shannon, Marketing Manager at EpiCypher, joined the team and discovered that the business was paying for a project management tool that didn’t meet the needs of all their departments.

We launch products and help researchers get the tools they need to conduct their research. While I was working on improving the efficiency of the product launch pipeline, it became clear that the tool that we were using wasn't meeting the needs of specific key players in the company.

And while the tool they were using was great for communication, it wasn’t so great for tasks in several active processes.

We were using another really popular project management tool that was great for communication, but at the task level, there was no way to integrate tasks into the communication between multiple teams and likewise, any messages found in the tasks were lost easily.

On top of that, there wasn’t a source of truth for all of the projects that were being worked on in the business.

What ended up happening was our product launch team ended up becoming responsible for maintaining the whole system. They were managing the project management tool themselves rather than having it be a facilitator.

The lack of proper task and project management features kept other teams from adopting the program, and in other parts of the business, tasks were constantly falling through the cracks. Leslie really needed a platform that could support team communication and have excellent task and project management capabilities.

We had this project management tool that, with the exception of our project managers, a fair amount of people weren't really using.

The Solution

Giving projects a source of truth.

When beginning her search, Leslie knew that she needed to find a platform that could centralize all of the tasks and clearly document the progress of each individual project.

A lot of our teams are between two and four people and frequently collaborate. They could just communicate via e-mail or via in-person conversations. We needed a project management platform that could beat interoffice communication.

Upon discovering Rindle, Leslie quickly realized that Rindle’s Automation and Mirroring features would help not only solve her team’s basic project and task management needs, but keep their internal processes going with minimal project managing of the platform.

One aspect of our business is to perform experiments on behalf of or in collaboration with scientists. These services are a direct reflection of our customer service and our skills. Communication, collaboration, and keeping track of the project are critical elements to prevent a project from getting delayed. With Rindle’s Automations, hand-offs between teams become seamless since the new team has access to the entire history project tasks and communications in Rindle. Plus certain aspects of services could be automated completely, saving critical time on these projects and eliminating the need to manage our project management tool.

Leslie was also able to help many different internal departments effectively collaborate on the same projects through Rindle’s mirroring of tasks while still maintaining their own processes.

Mirroring was huge because the Product Launch team has to manage everything at a 10,000 foot view, but ownership of completing the tasks is the responsibility of the scientific teams and subject matter experts. That was a huge roadblock with other project management tools because all of the tasks lived within the Product Launch team’s workspace and they weren't dynamic in any way. So it was up to Product Launch to maintain them as the status changed.
Responsibility moves between teams and individual contributors all the time. With Rindle, we can just mirror the task over and over and over again. You don't have to make a whole new one in each private workspace. You get to have the best of both worlds I think. You can make your board look how you want it to, structure it in a way that works for you, and collaborate with someone else on the same task at the same time without ever leaving your own board. It really allows people to think and manage their work in a way that best suits them.

The Results

Avoiding costly project mistakes.

Every missed project deadline at EpiCypher could potentially be very costly. Because Rindle helps the team manage all of their tasks and projects between teams, it’s also helping the team avoid missing project deadlines and giving projects away for free.

It costs us time, money, and our customers’ impression of us if we don't keep up with our project deadlines. If Rindle prevents us from making one mistake on a launch or a service project, , it can pay for itself for months.

On top of that, EpiCypher is seeing overall improvement in their internal collaboration, and efficiency between teams.

The greatest benefit was improving collaboration or hand-offs. The science team now has a flexible platform that allows them to track the progress of all their experiments even if they are just supporting its completion. Maximizing their efficiency trickles down to pretty much everything we do because the scientists are the backbone of the company. Services are improved and our product launch pipeline is sped up because they're able to do things more efficiently..