Process & Workflow

What is Workflow Automation Software?

May 25, 2021
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Like technology, business processes can become obsolete over time. Therefore, manual, complex, or even paper-based business processes that were used several decades ago may no longer be efficient or work at all.

Today, automated and digital workflows are replacing paper-based workflows, and businesses are looking for new, fresh, and innovative ways to operate that boost efficiency and productivity—and their bottom line. This is where workflow automation software comes in...

The Basics of Workflow Automation

What is Workflow Automation?

Workflow automation is all of the tools and processes that are used to create a series of automated actions that make up the steps of a process. When one action is complete, it immediately triggers the next one, and so on and so forth until the process is complete.

Manual processes can be tedious and doing them day after day can cause even the most exuberant employees to feel as if they aren’t contributing much value. These situations result in disengaged employees, low morale, and increased errors.

The Benefits of Workflow Automation Software

By implementing workflow automation software into processes, you can then put those manual processes on “autopilot” and allow your team members to focus on more meaningful tasks and projects. Furthermore, when implemented properly, workflow automation software can also help the following:

  • Increase the speed of those processes
  • Prevent compliance risks
  • Reduce administration costs
  • Reduce delays and bottlenecks
  • Reduce errors
  • Measure performance, output, and ROI

When automating repetitive processes, teams can save time and resources on performing tedious tasks, and also increase the speed at which they get things done. In fact, according to a report published by McKinsey, 45% of current paid activities can be automated by technology, which amounts to an approximate savings of $2 trillion every year.

Handling and storing documents, finding lost data, or handing off a project or task to another team member or department are all things that can be automated with the right software. Workflow automation software is a win-win for all.

  • Resource and Time Savings – When an organization brings in a top workflow automation software solution, it can immediately find inefficiencies that can be dealt with to transform operations. Large corporations can save millions of dollars by implementing workflow automation as a business process management tool.

5 Reasons to Implement Workflow Automation Software

Workflow Automation Software

If the benefits we mentioned above aren’t enough to prove the case for workflow automation software, here are five reasons why your business can benefit from implementing workflow automation software:

  1. Centralize Files, Assets, and Documents – By using workflow automation software you can ensure that your team members have access to all the documents they need, when they need them. No more wasting time hunting for the files needed to get the job done. Many workflow automation tools allow you to build integrations between projects and tasks and file management systems, such as Dropbox and Google Drive, keeping everything you need all in one place.
  2. Ensure Compliance and Security – Implementing cloud-based workflow automation software solutions can mitigate or eliminate many security risks. In fact, many workflow automation tools offer compliance and security monitoring to ensure businesses remain compliant across their workflows.
  3. Improve Morale and Teamwork – Workflow automation software makes it easier for team members to collaborate on high-value work requirements. Everyone is on the same page in terms of priorities, projects, and what needs to be done. And when team members can easily collaborate, things get done faster.
  4. Integrate with Other Tools – Many workflow automation tools are also designed to integrate with other popular third-party applications, legacy systems, and digital infrastructures. This saves time from jumping from tab to tab or application to application while working. It also removes the need for additional spreadsheets, clunky tracking systems, and outdated or obsolete systems or technology.

Workflow Automation Use Cases

Which departments benefit most from implementing workflow automation software? Here are some common use cases that show how versatile and useful workflow automation software can be:

Information Technology

IT often involves a lot of manual work, including performing backups, software updates, and processing issues or requests. Workflow automation software can perform these tasks automatically, including receiving user requests and assigning them to the appropriate IT team member.

Human Resources

Human Resources is riddled with tedious, manual, and repetitive processes that can all be solved with the right workflow automation software. For example, receiving signatures, sending performance reviews, and filling out forms, and onboarding new hires can eat up hours and hours in a day.

What processes can be automated? Many, including employee engagement, onboarding and offboarding, time off or leave requests, applicant tracking, timesheets, and performance appraisals.


Sales is another area that can benefit from workflow automation software, especially since many sales team members spend their time on the road and on the phone. If there’s a way to make a sales rep’s job easier, it’s with workflow automation software. It can help automate processes such as list-building, lead generation and management, data entry, follow-up tasks, customer onboarding emails, and appointment scheduling.


With workflow automation software, disbursing funds, populating forms, and transferring data become quicker and easier. It can also help automate purchase orders, budget approvals, travel reimbursements, and capital expenditures.

Furthermore, by automating and even simplifying these processes, it allows the finance team to focus on more challenging work, such as analyzing reports and making important financial or investment decisions that impact the future of the business.

How to Implement Workflow Automation Software

Workflow Automation Software

Workflow automation software can completely change the way a company operates. It can be used across nearly any department to increase efficiency, save time and money, and allow team members to work on more important tasks.

So what is the best workflow automation software out there? There are a number of choices available today, but Rindle is a great place to start. Rindle offers workflow automation that can create and assign tasks, set triggers for actions, and more.

Want to see Rindle in action? Get in touch with us today for a super-quick demo to see how workflow automation can transform your business in ways you could never imagine.